Monday, September 19, 2011

how to paint a bookshelf

Have you ever made your way over to Young House Love?
You may have noticed them on my sidebar...
If you're into home improvement and decorating on a budget, 
you should definitely take a look.
Marty groans inwardly whenever he sees me perusing their lovely blog,
because he knows full well that I'll have an itch to 
as soon as I walk away from the computer.

I ambled my way over to their blog a few weeks ago
{if "ambling" is possible on the internet},
and re-read this great tutorial on how to paint pretty much any piece of furniture.

{This is where Marty closed his eyes and did that inward groan thing again.}

And then, my eyes spotted two bookshelves that have been in our house since the beginning.
Marty rescued them out of a dumpster {truly},
and they've been sitting in our living room and kitchen, useful and happy...

Except now, I'd decided that they were going to be pretty, too :)

I didn't take "before" pictures.
But trust me. They were ugly-ish.

You see, I'm not a fan of orange-y colored wood,
and that's exactly what these babies were made of:

So, I dragged them down to the basement
 and gave them each two coats of primer...
{which was agonizing. I'm a very impatient painter.}

Then, I painted them a soft beige,
the same color as our living room walls.
{which means the paint was free = bonus}

Here's one bookshelf in our kitchen.

Note: the second shelf is empty, because it's at Charlie's eye level.
I had these really cute storage jars there before,
but you can imagine what curious little fingers did to my really cute storage jars.
Now, it's a shelf for his snack bowls :)

And here's the other shelf in our living room.

Instant {er, sort of} transformation,
that should have cost me nothing...
except I bought these silly sponge rollers, thinking that they would make everything go faster,
and they didn't.

Still... $3.95 for non-orange bookshelves is a superb deal :)

Now, did you check out Young House Love yet?
You probably should.
Just ask your non-decorating-inclined significant other to close their eyes...

1 comment:

Rochelle said...

Oh sweet friend, you crack me up. I absolutely love this post. :)

Now to go amble myself on over to the Young House Love blog. :)