And then it rained, the mother of all rainstorms. In a matter of minutes, the temperature dropped 20-degrees. And we wondered why we left our parkas at home....

Rain, hail, crazy thunderstorms, and freeezing wind... but we still grabbed some perfectly perfect shots! Because beauty is still beautiful, even when it's cloudy :)
I'm super-excited to share this shoot with you all, because these two are so dear to my heart!! But I'm up to my ears in editing right now, so it's going to have to wait a few days or so. Until then, a glamor shot to tide you over:

{Michelle grabbed this one of me. I was trying to explain what it meant to "work that blue wall." Unfortunately, I did not succeed.}
1 comment:
haha... just our luck :)
Aww! Look it's me! :) And my cherry-red bowed umbrella.
Char, you SO worked that blue wall. Showed it whose boss. ;)
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