Do you notice a theme around here these days?
The month of April is turning out to be absolutely lovely.
It's invigorating to walk into our tiny apartment and breathe in the fresh air,
circulating through an open window,
left open the entire afternoon.
This weekend, I am:
getting a haircut
having a sleepover
scouting a wedding location
singing in a worship band
planning a bridal shower
sympathizing with Marty (he has to go to the dentist... at 8 a.m. on Saturday!)
buying two knee bands so I can run outside again
taking the dog for a walk
breathing in the sunshine
etc. etc. etc.
So happy Friday!
{and cheers to a glorious weekend}
lovely photo.
YOU are a breath of fresh air.
have a lovely weekend.
Dog? Did you get a dog?
Monica: my parent's dog :) she needs lots of walks, and they get sick of taking her out, so I volunteer on the weekends!
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