Hi bloggy friends :)
First and foremost, thanks so much for your kind words about Anna and Steve's engagement shoot. Aren't they the cutest? They made my job a zillion times easier than it should have been.
Did you all have a happy Monday? I started off my week with a trip to the dentist--not exactly the first thing you want ot wake up to on a Monday morning... but I'm cavity free!
I've been busy working on a project (a.k.a. a website), and it's consumed all my free time, and then some (Marty often drags me away from the computer, usually so I'll remember to eat. or sleep). I'm hoping to be done by the end of the week; I can't wait to unveil it for all of you!
In the meantime, here's a recap of last Saturday, in pictures:
We got off to a great start--homemade, customized omelets, whipped up by my youngest brother:

(Here's where he wrote down all our orders.)

And... nothin' better than some dry-erase-board-love on a Saturday:

Next up? I took my sisters to my favorite vintage store. Suzanne and Jules own the shop; sometimes, a little dog sits on the counter in a knitted sweater and watches customers peruse the vintage wares. Jewelry, clothes, trinkets, photos, dishware, vases, cameras, instruments... you name it, they have it. Such a fun place to shop!
Inside the store:

Imagine piles and piles of trays, filled with beautiful vintage jewelry pieces.... totally amazing.

That's all for now; my brain is shutting down, and there's a pillow calling my name from the other room... sweet dreams of sparkly costume jewelry and omelets with extra cheese :)
Soooo cute! I didn't know Edward makes omelets! Aw! That's awesome. :) Man Sherah! You are QUITE the talented photographer. For real.
Edward makes the BEST omelets. But he spent so much time making everyone else's food that he didn't feel like making one for himself--the poor kid just had toast!
oh, maaaaaan! you've got me itchin' to go to the vintage store again!
i went to one with my friend, Heather over St. Patrick's Day weekend. it's called Shangra Li. i scored big time! (my favorite is the green floral cardigan from the 50s.)
i'm gonna post about what i found, soon, i hope.
can't wait to try your fave spot, though. i love love love the pictures!
that looks wonderful! fun fun fun!
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