I sincerely apologize for the lack of quality blog posts as of late; I've been unable to comment on your blogs, too, which makes me sad! Things have been a bit wacky-loco in the G-fam household lately. We've morphed into full-time house hunters for the past few weeks, and have had our hearts broken more than a few times. (Ok, let me rephrase that. My heart gets broken. Marty, the eternal optimist, shrugs his shoulders and moves on brilliantly.)
We've currently got our eyes trained on an ivy-laden cape cod. It used to be a gorgeous house... until the renters let their sixty cats run wild in it for a couple of years. {That's our best guess at why this poor house got to be such a smelly pickle.} However, the owners have dropped the price, and are refinishing floors, repainting walls, and installing new gizmos and gadgets... So, we're dragging my dad (i.e., Professional Plumber) over to the house tonight to see what can be done. {Hey Dad, you won't believe it. We found a house, and the roof isn't even caving in! My poor father...}
There's a good chance that the bank won't accept our offer, or that some savvy fellow will snatch it up before we get our bid in, or that our parents will instill some reality into our heads before we can make an offer ("broken toilets? cat smell? what are you thinking?!").
However, I can confidently say, Been there, done that. So maybe this time, I'll be more prepared if everything falls through. {Or, um, maybe this time it won't... I'll keep you all posted, regardless!}
And, because a post is never any fun without a picture:

Remember this? I took this picture three short months ago, when it felt like we were doomed to "light flurries and a high of 18 degrees" for the rest of weather forecasting eternity. But right now, I'm looking out the window at cherry blossoms and sunshine. Snowy days are a distant memory, replaced by tulips and green, green grass... Winter always gives way to spring.
: )
hope the house hunting gets better soon! :) love hearing all the ins and outs of it though, all a part of that lovely process i'm happy to see in my rearview mirror.....
thank you for that reminder! yes it is quite beautiful outside now!! :)
Hahahaha, Sherah, you crack me up! Seriously. Oh I can't wait to see the house you finally get, after all the effort and prayer you guys have put into it, I'm sure it'll be perfect :)
Annnd because I JUST came in from this gorgeous, beautiful, perfect, day, that picture looks just like a distant, very, very cold memory :)
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