Thursday, June 9, 2011


Remember this picture that I posted, about a month ago?

It was taken at the beginning of April. We had just put down grass seed, after roto-tilling, weed-pulling, dirt-digging, seed-sowing, and peat-mossing our entire backyard. It was a lot of work...

Ugh. I hate mud.

{Quick recap: when we bought our house, the backyard -- along with pretty much everything else -- was in terrible disarray. At one point, it had been a lovely, landscaped garden, but weeds and horrible perennials with humongous bulbs took over. It was, quite seriously, the closest thing you'll ever get to a jungle in the Midwest.}

But now...

after weeks of watching the mud intently, while doubting everything from our grass seed's sprouting capabilities to the integrity of the kind fellow who sold us the grass seed...

We've got grass!

If I've learned anything through this process, it's that I'd make an absolutely terrible farmer. You should have seen me, squinting at the dirt, saying to Marty, "Yeah... it's been three days. No grass. They totally sold us a dud bag of grass seed."

Silly me.

I love grass.


1 comment:

Rochelle said...

YAYYYY!!! So proud of you guys! Way to keep at it!! :) And look at that, Charlie already getting used to the idea of using a lawn mower. :)