(1) Leave Chicago at 6pm on Friday.
(2) Marty and I take turns driving straight through the night.
(3) Only stop to sleep for 2 hours, if necessary.
(4) Take hundreds of pictures of lovely scenery, while we smile and laugh and gallavant through six states.
(5) Arrive at said destination in Florida at approx. 5pm on Saturday.
Instead, here's what happened:
(1) Leave Chicago at 7:30, due to unnecessary overpacking. (I am the guilty culprit. Honestly, I can't take a vacation without bringing my whole closet. Ridiculous!)
(2) 8:05--hit hour-long traffic jam just across the Indiana border. Sit. Wait. Bemoan our fate.
(3) 9:05--realize that I am physically unable to sit up, due to a lingering illness. If "driving = sitting up," then "# of available drivers on 24-hour drive to Florida = Marty - Sherah." This is bad news...
(4) Our 2-hour roadside catnap turned into a 4.5-hour snooze fest.*
(5) Take six total pictures (see below), because one can only take so many pictures lying on one's back.
(6) Marty ends up driving all but 1.5 hours of the trip.
(7) Etc.
(8) Etc.
(9) Etc.
(10) We arrive at said destination very, very late, and promptly crash. (Into bed, that is.)
Thus, our scenic drive down to the Sunshine State was a bit different than we anticipated (ahem). But we made it! And, for your viewing pleasure, here are the six pictures we took on the way down:
The sign that alerted us to the hour-long backup just over the Indiana border. Nothing like anticipating 60 minutes of standstill traffic ;)

A roadside staple :)

In Tennessee... beautiful!

Driving through the mountains (a truck was stuck on the runaway ramp):


Marty was a champ: I'm laying down in the backseat like a baby, groaning in pain, and he's driving for the 18th straight hour and taking pictures of the "Welcome to Florida" sign for me.

Next up: palm trees!
*After vacation, I was telling a coworker, Bill, about Marty's unfortunate marathon-drive down to Florida... however, Bill topped my story with this one: when he was in college, he had to drive from Texas to Illinois at the start of Christmas break. He agreed to let four other students hitch a ride with him. An hour outside of Dallas, Bill got tired, so he nudged the shotgun passenger and said, "Who's driving next?" It was then that he found out that none of them had a driver's license. So Bill drove the entire way on his own.
At least Marty got a four-hour nap!
all very well said. i love your humorous way of telling stuff.
and bill's story. oh. my. word. so bill.
glad you are feeling way better :)
oh, how funny. you practically described our road trip to nashville. :)
oh, well. at least you tried. i did not get many shots on our drive either. somehow i just felt too lazy. i even posted about that, too.
love the truck runoff shot!
Yes, Cracker Barrel can be very scenic. This whole post cracked me up, Sherah. :)
P.S. Like heck they didn't have driver's licenses!
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