Hello, happy mom with a bag full of kettle corn!

I told Marty that if he makes faces when I take his picture, they're going on the blog. And I don't lie :)

County fairs are funny. There are lots of, ahem, colorful people there, which is a plus for a photographer: You can basically do whatever you want, right in the middle of the midway, and no one cares...

Country staple:

I laugh whenever I see this one:

And now... the real reason I go to the county fair.
It's not the fried oreos,
or the tractor pull competitions,
or the livestock auctions,
or the pig races,
or the booths piles high with leather belts,
or the strange carnival folk that cajole you to "step right up."
None of that.
I go for the bunnies!

There were hundreds of bunnies for sale. Honest, I wanted to buy them all (much to my husband's pure delight). Next year for sure, I'm taking one home!


you rock. love the pics. now my mouth is watering for the funnel cake i missed. :( i hate that i couldn't make any fairs this year! boo. hiss. your pics definitely cheered me right up!
I love the pic on the hang-glider ride. It was the new fave for my 2 older ones - I think they rode it 3 times. We were close to the last family there Sat. night! So glad you went and had a good time. It IS a great place to get good pictures!
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